MICHAEL BENEDICT, Adjunct Professor University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Department of Architecture
William R. Benedict, Emeritus Associate Professor California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
College of Architecture and Environmental Design
Michael L. Benedikt, Hal Box Chair In Urbanism, Acsa Distinguished Professor University of Texas at Austin
School of Architecture
Silvia Benedito, Associate Professor Harvard University
Landscape Architecture
Mirka Benes, Associate Professor University of Texas at Austin
School of Architecture
Rafael Beneytez-Duran, Associate Professor University of Houston
Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture
Kevin Benham, Assistant Professor Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
College of Art + Design
Kevin Benham, Associate Professor University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Department of Landscape Architecture
Casey Benito, Lecturer California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
College of Architecture and Environmental Design
Andrew Benjamin, Professor University of Technology, Sydney
School of Architecture
David Benjamin, Adjunct Assistant Professor University of Texas, San Antonio
College of Architecture, Construction and Planning
Hanisha Bennabhaktula, Adjunct Professor Roger Williams University
School of Architecture, Art and Historic Preservation
Andrew Benner, Professor Yale University
School of Architecture