Who's Who in
Fine Arts Academia

11899 members found

Lebanese American University
Department of Architecture and Interior Design

Dennis Chiessa, Lecturer
University of Texas, Arlington
School of Architecture

Nancy Chikaraishi, Assistant Professor
Drury University
Hammons School of Architecture

Roman Chikerinets, Lecturer
Iowa State University
Department of Architecture

Mark Childs, Associate Professor
University of New Mexico
School of Architecture and Planning

New York City College of Technology
Department of Architectural Technology

Francis D. K. Ching, Professor
University of Washington
Department of Architecture

Michael Chisamore
University of Memphis
Department of Architecture

Mitchell Chisholm, Adjunct Professor
Drexel University
Department of Architecture

Jessica Chitwood-Brown, Assistant Professor
Colorado State University
Department of Horticulture & Landscape Architecture

Kate Chiu, Lecturer
University of Southern California
School of Architecture

David Chlebus, Adjunct Professor
University of Houston
Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture

Hansong Cho, Adjunct Instructor
University of Utah
College of Architecture and Planning

Im Sik CHO , Assistant Professor
National University of Singapore
Department of Architecture

In Cho, Visiting Assistant Professor
Pratt Institute-Main
School of Architecture


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