Who's Who in
Fine Arts Academia

11899 members found

Soolyeon Cho, Associate Professor
North Carolina State University
School of Architecture

STEVEN ANDREW CHODORIWSKY, Visiting Assistant Professor
University of Utah
College of Architecture and Planning

Don Choi, Professor
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
College of Architecture and Environmental Design

ESTHER CHOI, Adjunct Associate Professor
Cooper Union
Irwin S. Chanin School of Architecture

Joon-Ho Choi, Assistant Professor
University of Southern California
School of Architecture

Katrina Jones Choi, Adjunct Professor
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
School of Architecture and Design

Rebecca Choi, Lecturer
Otis College of Art and Design (CA)
Department of Architecture / Landscape / Interiors

University of Southern California
School of Architecture

Rebecca Choi, Assistant Professor
Tulane University
School of Architecture

SAM CHOI, Associate Professor
Northeastern University
School of Architecture

Stephanie Choi, Lecturer
University of Texas at Austin
School of Architecture

Stephanie Choi, Assistant Professor
Rhode Island School of Design
Department of Architecture

Yoonhee Choi, Assistant Professor
Portland State University
School of Architecture

Raveevarn Choksombatchai, Associate Professor
University of California, Berkeley
Department of Architecture

Kate Cholakis, Professor
Conway School of Landscape Design
Department of Digital Design


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