Who's Who in
Fine Arts Academia

11899 members found

Charles L. Davis, Associate Professor
University of Texas at Austin
School of Architecture

Curtis Davis, Adjunct Professor
University of Houston
Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture

Daniel Davis, Professor
University of Hartford
College of Engineering, Technology, and Architecture

Deidra Davis, Assistant Professor
Texas A&M University - College Station
Department of Architecture

Diane Davis, Professor
Harvard University
Department of Urban Policy and Planning

Hana Meihan Davis, Instructor
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Department of Architecture

Howard Davis, Professor
University of Oregon
Department of Architecture

Jacob Davis, Adjunct Professor
University of Memphis
Department of Architecture

Jeff Davis, Adjunct Instructor
University of Utah
College of Architecture and Planning

Jennifer Davis, Lecturer
University of Toronto
John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design

Jenny Davis, Associate Professor
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
School of Architecture

John Davis, Assistant Professor
Ohio State University
Austin Knowlton School of Architecture

Joshua Davis, Adjunct Associate Professor
New York Institute of Technology
School of Architecture

Lara Davis, Lecturer
Rhode Island School of Design
Department of Landscape Architecture

Lawrence Davis, Associate Professor
Syracuse University
School of Architecture


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