Who's Who in
Fine Arts Academia

11899 members found

Kathryn Dean, Professor
Washington University in St. Louis
School of Architecture

Penelope Dean, Assistant Professor
University of Illinois, Chicago
School of Architecture

Lynne M. Dearborn, Assistant Professor
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
School of Architecture

Lyndsey Deaton, Assistant Professor
Clemson University
School of Architecture

Janine Debanne, Associate Professor
Carleton University
Azrieli School of Architecture & Urbanism

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Department of Landscape Architecture

MITCHELL DEC, Adjunct Professor
NewSchool of Architecture and Design
School of Architecture

Elise DeChard, Professor
Ferris State University
Department of Architecture

Pimpaporn Dechvijarnkit, Lecturer
King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi
School of Architecture and Design

Martina Decker, Assistant Professor
New Jersey Institute of Technology
New Jersey School of Architecture

Martina Decker, Associate Professor
New Jersey Institute of Technology
New Jersey School of Architecture

Matt DeCotiis, Adjunct Lecturer
Tulane University
School of Architecture

Michael Decoulos, Adjunct Professor
Roger Williams University
School of Architecture, Art and Historic Preservation

Odile Decq, Professor
Harvard University
Department of Architecture

Jennifer Dee, Lecturer
University of Washington
Department of Architecture


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