Who's Who in
Fine Arts Academia

11899 members found

Victor Dover, Lecturer
University of Miami
School of Architecture

Kim Dovey, Professor
University of Melbourne
Faculty of Architecture, Building & Planning

D.B. Dowd, Professor
Washington University in St. Louis
School of Architecture

Katherine Dowdell, Adjunct Assistant Professor
Drexel University
Department of Architecture

Andrew Dowgray, Professor
Christchurch Polytechnic
School of Architectural Studies

Justin Dowhower, Adjunct Assistant Professor
University of Texas, Arlington
School of Architecture

Robyn Dowling, Professor
University of Sydney
Faculty of Architecture, Design & Planning

Dennis Doxtater, Associate Professor
University of Arizona
School of Architecture

John Doyle, Senior Lecturer
RMIT University
School of Architecture and Design

Michael R. Doyle, Professor
Laval University
School of Architecture

Richard Dozier, Professor
Florida A&M University
School of Architecture

Patricia Drackett, Assistant Professor
Mississippi State University
Department of Landscape Architecture

Alfred Dragani, Adjunct Assistant Professor
Temple University
Department of Architecture

Martin DRAHOVSKY, Lecturer
Technical University of Kosice
Department of Architecture

Campbell Drake, Senior Lecturer
University of Technology, Sydney
School of Architecture


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