Who's Who in
Fine Arts Academia

11899 members found

DAVID DRAKE, Assistant Professor
Washington State University
School of Architecture and Construction Management

Susannah Churchill Drake, Adjunct Associate Professor
Cooper Union
Irwin S. Chanin School of Architecture

Emily Draper, Adjunct Professor
Lawrence Technological University
Department of Architecture

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
School of Architecture

Powell Draper, Adjunct Associate Professor
Cooper Union
Irwin S. Chanin School of Architecture

Powell Draper, Adjunct Associate Professor
Cooper Union
Irwin S. Chanin School of Architecture

Sarah Dreller, Adjunct Professor
Lawrence Technological University
Department of Architecture

Texas Tech University
College of Architecture

Ruth Dresdner, Adjunct Assistant Professor
New York Institute of Technology-Old Westbury
Department of Architecture

Lucas Drummond, Lecturer
Washington University in St. Louis
School of Architecture

Wayne Drummond, Emeritus Professor
University of Nebraska, Lincoln
College of Architecture

Emily Drury, Lecturer
Northeastern University
School of Architecture

Newton Dsouza Prabhu, Associate Professor
Florida International University
Department of Interior Architecture

William Minghao Du, Research Assistant Professor
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Department of Architecture

Douglas Duany, Associate Professor
University of Notre Dame
School of Architecture


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