Who's Who in
Fine Arts Academia

11899 members found

WALE FALADE, Adjunct Instructor
Dunwoody College of Technology
Department of Architecture

Mutaz Yousef Falah Gharaibeh, Associate Professor
Imam Abdul Rahman Bin Faisal University
Department of Architecture

Dyer Alfred Falck, Adjunct Professor
Drexel University
Department of Architecture

Jason Falenski, Professor
Lawrence Technological University
Department of Architecture

Charlotte Falk, Adjunct Lecturer
Emily Carr University of Art + Design
Faculty of Culture + Community

Jacob Falk, Adjunct Professor
Lawrence Technological University
Department of Architecture

Seydina Fall, Adjunct Professor
University of Maryland, College Park
School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation

Giuseppe Fallacara, Visiting Professor
New York Institute of Technology
School of Architecture

Bessam Fallah, Lecturer
Laval University
Higher School of Regional Planning and Regional Development

Christopher Falliers, Assistant Professor
California College of Arts and Crafts
Department of Architecture

Jonathan Fallin, Adjunct Instructor
Kennesaw State University
Department of Architecture

Zach Falor, Adjunct Professor
Kent State University
College of Architecture and Environmental Design

Justin Famularo, Assistant Professor
Lawrence Technological University
Department of Architecture

KERRY FAN, Senior Lecturer
Bowling Green State University
Department of Architecture

Demi Fang, Assistant Professor
Northeastern University
School of Architecture


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