Who's Who in
Fine Arts Academia

11899 members found

Aurélie Frolet, Assistant Professor
Syracuse University
School of Architecture

Aurélie Frolet, Assistant Professor
Auburn University
School of Architecture

Simon Frommenwiler, Lecturer
Harvard University
Department of Architecture

Alan Frost, Assistant Professor
Judson University
Department of Architecture

Susan I. Frostén, Associate Professor
Thomas Jefferson University
College of Architecture and the Built Environment

Parsons School of Design
School of Constructed Environment / Industrial Design & Product Design

Michael Frush, Assistant Professor
Kennesaw State University
Department of Architecture

MICHAEL FRUSH, Assistant Professor
Oklahoma State University
School of Architecture

Giovanni Fruttaldo, Lecturer
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Department of Architecture

Chris Frye, Assistant Professor
University of Illinois, Chicago
School of Architecture

Susan Frye, Lecturer
University of New Mexico
School of Architecture and Planning

ROBERT FRYER, Associate Professor
Thomas Jefferson University
College of Architecture and the Built Environment

Parsons School of Design
School of Constructed Environment / Industrial Design & Product Design

Charles Fryling, Associate Professor
Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
College of Art + Design

Yun Fu, Professor
Harvard University
Department of Urban Policy and Planning


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