Who's Who in
Fine Arts Academia

11899 members found

Laura Garofalo, Assistant Professor
University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
Department of Architecture and Planning

Laura Garófalo, Associate Professor
Carnegie Mellon University
School of Architecture

Ellen Garrett, Visiting Assistant Professor
Pratt Institute-Main
School of Architecture

Elizabeth Garrett Ryan, Lecturer
Clemson University
School of Architecture

Andrea Garrido, Adjunct Professor
New York City College of Technology
Department of Architectural Technology

Pratt Institute-Main
School of Architecture

Michael Garrison, Professor
University of Texas at Austin
School of Architecture

Stephen Garrison, Assistant Professor
Marywood University
School of Architecture

Jay Garrott, Professor
Drury University
Hammons School of Architecture

H. Scott Gartner, Associate Professor
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
School of Architecture and Design

Boston Architectural College
Department of Landscape Architecture

Alexander D. Garvin, Adjunct Professor
Yale University
School of Architecture

Peter C. Gary, Lecturer
King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi
School of Architecture and Design

José Garza
Washington University in St. Louis
School of Architecture

Manuel Garza, Adjunct Instructor
New York Institute of Technology
School of Architecture


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