Who's Who in
Fine Arts Academia

11899 members found

Dhara Goradia, Lecturer
University of Virginia
School of Architecture

Sinan Goral, Adjunct Instructor
Carnegie Mellon University
School of Architecture

Christine Gorby, Associate Professor
The Pennsylvania State University
Department of Architecture

Barry Gordon, Adjunct Instructor
University of Oregon
Department of Architecture

IAN GORDON, Adjunct Assistant Professor
New York City College of Technology
Department of Architectural Technology

Judy O Gordon, Assistant Professor
Kansas State University
Department of Architecture

William Gordon, Associate Professor
University of Rhode Island
Department of Landscape Architecture

Nils Gore, Assistant Professor
University of Kansas
School of Architecture and Urban Design

Olivia Gori, Instructor
Syracuse University
School of Architecture

HANSJORG GORITZ, Associate Professor
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
College of Architecture and Design

Jim Gorman, Professor
Boston Architectural Center
College of Architecture

Michele Gorman, Assistant Professor
Pratt Institute-Main
School of Architecture

CHARLES GOSRISIRIKUL, Adjunct Assistant Professor
City College of the City University of New York
School of Architecture

Adam Goss
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Department of Architecture

Gregg Gossens, Adjunct Professor
Norwich University
Department of Architecture


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