Who's Who in
Fine Arts Academia

11899 members found

Esther Hagenlocher, Assistant Professor
University of Oregon
Department of Architecture

Jesse Hager, Adjunct Professor
University of Houston
Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture

University of Virginia
School of Architecture

Michael Hagge, Professor
University of Memphis
Department of Architecture

Farzaneh Haghighi, Senior Lecturer
University of Auckland
School of Architecture and Planning

Janet Hagobian, Adjunct Professor
Lebanese American University
Department of Architecture and Interior Design

EMILY HAHN, Adjunct Professor
Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design
Department of Interior Architecture + Design

Howard Hahn, Associate Professor
Kansas State University
Department of Architecture

Tom Hahn, Instructor
University of Oregon
Department of Architecture

Jawaid Haider, Professor
The Pennsylvania State University
Department of Architecture

Nebyu Haile, Instructor
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Department of Architecture

Charles Hailey, Assistant Professor
University of Florida
School of Architecture

Bill Haire, Professor Emeritus
Oklahoma State University
School of Architecture

Benjamin Hait, Visiting Assistant Professor
Wentworth Institute of Technology
Department of Architecture

Benjamin Hait, Lecturer
Northeastern University
School of Architecture


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