Who's Who in
Fine Arts Academia

11899 members found

Masayuki Harada, Professor
Nagoya City University
Department of Architectural City Design

Julian Harake, Adjunct Instructor
Syracuse University
School of Architecture

Julian Harake, Adjunct Assistant Professor
Columbia University
Department of Architecture

Arni Haraldsson, Associate Professor
Emily Carr University of Art + Design
Audain Faculty of Art

Arni Haraldsson, Associate Professor
Emily Carr University of Art + Design
Audain Faculty of Art

OMAR HARB, Lecturer
Lebanese American University
Department of Architecture and Interior Design

Mark Harberts, Lecturer
University of New Mexico
School of Architecture and Planning

Anthony Harden, Adjunct Lecturer
Clemson University
School of Architecture

Brigid Hardiman, Adjunct Assistant Professor
New York Institute of Technology
School of Architecture

Mary C. Hardin, Professor
University of Arizona
School of Architecture

Dan Harding, Associate Professor
Clemson University
School of Architecture

Deirdre Hardy, Professor
Florida Atlantic University
School of Architecture

Steven Hardy, Associate Professor
University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Department of Architecture

Tom Hardy, Adjunct Professor
Carnegie Mellon University
School of Architecture

Jason Hare
University of Manitoba
Faculty of Architecture


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