Who's Who in
Fine Arts Academia

3725 members found

YUKIO LIPPIT, Assistant Professor
Harvard University
Department of History of Art and Architecture

Kathlyn Liscomb, Emeritus Professor
University of Victoria
Department of History in Art

Elizabeth Lisot, Assistant Professor
University of Texas, Tyler
Department of Art and Art History

Ken Little, Professor
University of Texas, San Antonio
Department of Art & Art History

GARY LIU, Lecturers
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Department of Art and Art History

Jia Liu, Adjunct Professor
Towson University
Department of Art + Design, Art History, Art Education

Jinyi Liu, Adjunct Instructor
Columbus College of Art and Design (OH)
Department of History of Art & Visual Culture

Mia Yinxing Liu, Assistant Professor
Johns Hopkins University
Department of History of Art

Qimin Liu, Professor
Eastern Connecticut State University
Department of Art and Art History

Candace Livingston, Associate Professor
Anderson University
Art Department

Jack Livingston, Adjunct Professor
Towson University
Department of Art + Design, Art History, Art Education

Elena Livingstone-Ross, Adjunct Professor
College of New Jersey
Department of Art and Art History

Brittany Lockard, Assistant Professor
Wichita State University
Department of Art History

Nancy Locke, Associate Professor
Pennsylvania State University, University Park
Department of Art History

Mark Loiacono, Visiting Assistant Professor
Pratt Institute-Main
Department of Art History


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