Who's Who in
Fine Arts Academia

3725 members found

Guy P.R. Métraux, Emeritus Professor
York University
Department of Visual Art & Art History

Lenore Metrick-Chen, Associate Professor
Drake University
Department of Art and Design

Megan Metté, Lecturer
University of Rochester
Department of Art and Art History

Arline Meyer, Associate Professor
Ohio State University
Department of History of Art

Edina Meyer-Maril, Professor
Tel Aviv University
Department of Art History

Amy Meyers, Professor
Yale University
Department of History of Art

Paul Michael, Lecturer
Eastern Connecticut State University
Department of Art and Art History

Fashion Institute of Technology
School of Art and Design

John Michalczyk, Professor
Boston College
Department of Art History

Eileen Michels, Emeritus Professor
University of Saint Thomas, St. Paul
Department of Art History

Jacque Micieli-Voutsinas, Assistant Professor
University of Florida
School of Art & Art History

Hollis Mickey, Adjunct Professor
University of Alaska Anchorage
Department of Art

Rachel Middleman, Associate Professor
California State University, Chico
Department of Art & Art History

William E. Mierse, Professor
University of Vermont
Department of Art and Art History

Jennifer Milam, Senior Lecturer
University of Sydney
Department of Art History and Theory


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