Who's Who in
Fine Arts Academia

3725 members found

Paul Paret, Assistant Professor
University of Utah
Department of Art and Art History

Jiwon Park, Assistant Professor
University of Texas at Austin
Department of Art and Art History

Penny Park, Associate Professor
Wright State University
Department of Art and Art History

Elizabeth Parker, Professor
Fordham University
Department of Art History and Music

Nicholas Parkinson, Instructor
Pratt Institute-Main
Department of Art History

Neal Parks, Lecturer
Eastern Connecticut State University
Department of Art and Art History

Debra Parr, Adjunct Lecturer
School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Art History, Theory, and Criticism

David C. Parrish, Professor
Purdue University
Divisions of Art and Design

Kyle Parry, Assistant Professor
University of California, Santa Cruz
Department of Art History

Mitch Parry, Lecturer
University of Victoria
Department of History in Art

Sarah Parsons
York University
Department of Visual Art & Art History

Loren PARTRIDGE, Professor
University of California, Berkeley
Department of Art History

Victoria Pass, Assistant Professor
Maryland Institute, College of Art
Department of Art History

Elizabeth Carson Pastan, Associate Professor
Emory University
Department of Art History

University of Pennsylvania
Department of History of Art


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