Who's Who in
Fine Arts Academia

3725 members found

Susan Rather, Associate Professor
University of Texas at Austin
Department of Art and Art History

Romita Ray, Assistant Professor
Syracuse University
Department of Fine Arts

Thomas Ray Willis, Assistant Professor
College of Mount Saint Vincent
Department of Art History

Catherine Raymond, Associate Professor
Northern Illinois University
Department Of Art History

Isabelle Raynauld, Professor
Universite de Montreal
Department of Art History and Cinematographic Studies

Anthony Raynsford, Assistant Professor
San Jose State University
School of Art & Design

CYRIL READE, Associate Professor
Rutgers University at Camden
School of Fine Arts

Danner Rebecca, Instructor
University of Texas, Tyler
Department of Art and Art History

University of Pennsylvania
Department of History of Art

Chandra L. Reedy, Professor
University of Delaware
Department of Art History

SARAH REEDY, Adjunct Professor
Kent State University
School of Art

Nathan Rees, Assistant Professor
University of West Georgia
Department of Art

Thomas F. Reese, Professor
Tulane University
Department of Art History

Matthew Reeve, Associate Professor
Queen's University
Department of Art

Diane Reilly, Assistant Professor
Indiana University


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