Who's Who in
Fine Arts Academia

3725 members found

Phil Smith, Lecturer
Emily Carr University of Art + Design
Faculty of Culture + Community

Richard Smith, Lecturer
University of Sydney
Department of Art History and Theory

Terence Smith, Emeritus Professor
University of Sydney
Department of Art History and Theory

Ty Smith, Adjunct Professor
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Department of Art and Art History

Tamara Smithers
Austin Peay State University
Department of Art and Design

Nick Smolinski, Adjunct Instructor
University of British Columbia
Department of Art History, Visual Art and Theory

State University of New York, New Paltz
Department of Art History

Luke Smythe, Lecturer
Monash University
Department of Fine Arts

Brian Snapp, Professor
University of Utah
Department of Art and Art History

Grace Wong Sneddon, Adjunct Assistant Professor
University of Victoria
Department of History in Art

Gillian Sneed, Assistant Professor
San Diego State University
School of Art, Design and Art History

Joel Snyder, Professor
University of Chicago
Department of Art History

Dean Sobel, Professor
University of Denver
School of Art & Art History

Judith Berg Sobre, Professor
University of Texas, San Antonio
Department of Art & Art History

Madeleine Söder, Lecturer
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Department of Art and Art History


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