Who's Who in
Fine Arts Academia

3725 members found

Will Straw, Associate Professor
McGill University
Department of Art History & Communication Studies

Kimberly Street, Adjunct Instructor
Indiana University - Purdue University, Indianapolis
Herron School of Art and Design

Cecil L. Striker, Professor
University of Pennsylvania
Department of History of Art

Kirsten Strom, Professor
Grand Valley State University
Department of Visual & Media Arts

Susannah Strong, Associate Professor
Salve Regina University
Department of Art and Art History

David Stuart, Professor
University of Texas at Austin
Department of Art and Art History

Judy Stubbs, Visiting Assistant Professor
Indiana University

Judy Stubbs, Visiting Assistant Professor
Indiana University, Bloomington
Department Of The History Of Art

Peter Sturman, Associate Professor
University of California, Santa Barbara
Department of History of Art & Architecture

Craig A. Subler, Professor
University of Missouri--Kansas City
Department of Art and Art History

Radhika Subramaniam, Assistant Professor
Parsons School of Design
School of Art and Design History and Theory

Tom Suchan, Professor
Eastern Michigan University
School of Art & Design

Sharon M. Suchma, Instructor
School of Visual Arts
Department of Art History

Serina Sulentic, Lecturer
University of Iowa
Department of Art and Art History

Alice Sullivan, Assistant Professor
Tufts University
Department of Art and Art History


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