Who's Who in
Fine Arts Academia

2304 members found

Sophia Skiles, Associate Professor
Brown University
Department of Theatre, Speech and Dance

Marlene Skog, Assistant Professor
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Department of Dance

Lauren Suflita Skrabalak, Professor
Winthrop University
College of Visual and Performing Arts

Sydney Skybetter, Associate Professor
Brown University
Department of Theatre, Speech and Dance

Jackie Sleight, Lecturer
Chapman University
Department of Dance

Suzanne Slenn, Associate Professor
University of the Arts
Department of Dance

Amy Slocum, Adjunct Professor
Roberts Wesleyan College
Department of Music

Jane Slusarski-Harris, Associate Professor
Colorado State University
Department of Dance

Maria Slutiak, Lecturer
Point Park University
Department of Dance

Holly Small, Professor
York University
Department of Dance

KRISTEN SMIAROWSKI, Assistant Professor
Loyola Marymount University
Department of Dance

Leigh Wilson Smiley, Emeritus Associate Professor
University of Maryland, College Park
Department of Dance

Anna Smith, Lecturer
University of Melbourne
School of Dance

Arnold Smith, Professor
New Jersey City University
Department of Music, Dance and Theatre

Daniel Smith, Professor
Florida State University
Department of Dance


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