Who's Who in
Fine Arts Academia

2304 members found

Tamara Thomas, Assistant Professor
University of Georgia
Department of Dance

Vincent Thomas, Professor
Towson University
Department of Dance

Colleen Thomas-Young, Associate Professor
Barnard College
Department of Dance

Allison Thomashefski, Adjunct Professor
Nazareth College
Department of Dance Studies

Allison Thomashefski, Adjunct Instructor
State University of New York College at Geneseo
Department of Theatre and Dance

Susan Thomasson, Adjunct Lecturer
Hunter College
Department of Dance

Cynthia Thompson, Professor
James Madison University
School of Theatre and Dance

Joe Thompson, Assistant Professor
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Department of Theatre

Keith Thompson, Professor
Rutgers University
Department of Dance

Robert Thorp, Visiting Lecturer
Salem State University
Department of Music and Dance

Kathryn Thurman, Assistant Professor
University of the Arts
Department of Dance

Jim Thurston, Associate Professor
Colby College
Department of Performance, Theater, and Dance

Ronald Tice, Associate Professor
University of Missouri--Kansas City
Department of Dance

Jenny Giauque Tingey, Instructor
Brigham Young University
Department of Dance

Nelida Tirado, Adjunct Lecturer
Barnard College
Department of Dance


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