Who's Who in
Fine Arts Academia

2304 members found

Amy VanKirk, Assistant Professor
Radford University
Department of Dance

Michael Vargas, Lecturer
Smith College
Department of Dance

Jill Vasbinder, Adjunct Instructor
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Department of Dance

Tim Veach, Lecturer
Ohio State University
Department of Dance

Tim Veach, Professor
Otterbein College
Department of Theatre and Dance

Rodney Veal, Professor
Sinclair Community College
Department of Music, Theatre and Dance

Eddie Venegas, Professor
New Jersey City University
Department of Music, Dance and Theatre

Matthew Ventura, Lecturer
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Department of Theatre & Dance

Nina Veretennikova, Lecturer
University of Melbourne
School of Dance

Shaquida Vergo, Instructor
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Department of Dance

Barbara Verlezza, Assistant Professor
Kent State University
School of Theatre and Dance

Robin M. Vermilion, Professor
Bates College
Department of Dance

Angelica Vessella, Professor
Rhode Island College
Department of Music, Theatre and Dance

Angelica Vessella, Professor
Rhode Island College
Department of Music, Theatre and Dance

Julia Vessey, Instructor
James Madison University
School of Theatre and Dance


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