Who's Who in
Fine Arts Academia

2304 members found

Debra Wanner, Adjunct Professor
Long Island University
Department of Dance

Edward Warburton, Assistant Professor
University of California, Santa Cruz
Department of Theater Arts

Mary Ward, Professor
St. Johns River State College
Florida School of the Arts

Vershawn Ward, Lecturer
Columbia College
Department of Dance

Heather Ware, Adjunct Instructor
University of Calgary
Department Of Dance

Mary Jane Warner, Professor
York University
Department of Dance

Anne Warren, Emeritus Professor
University of Maryland, College Park
Department of Dance

Madeline Warriner, Lecturer
Rutgers University
Department of Dance

Richard K Waterhouse, Adjunct Lecturer
Brown University
Department of Theatre, Speech and Dance

Robyne Watkin, Instructor
University of Hartford
Department of Dance

NINA WATT, Associate Professor
University of Hartford
Department of Dance

Clara Grace Watts, Assistant Professor
Belhaven University
Department of Dance

Jeffrey Watts, Professor
New Jersey City University
Department of Music, Dance and Theatre

Victoria Watts, Professor
Cornish College of the Arts
Department of Dance

Andrea Weber, Adjunct Lecturer
Barnard College
Department of Dance


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