Who's Who in
Fine Arts Academia

2304 members found

Angie Yetzke, Assistant Professor
Hope College
Department of Dance

Miles Yeung-Tieu, Lecturer
University of the Arts
Department of Dance

David Young, Professor
Western Kentucky University
Department of Theatre and Dance

Dylaina Young, Adjunct Instructor
University of Rochester
Department of Dance

Jessica Young, Associate Professor
Columbia College
Department of Dance

Kristen Young, Visiting Lecturer
Salem State University
Department of Music and Dance

Tricia Henry Young, Emeritus Professor
Florida State University
Department of Dance

William Young, Adjunct Instructor
University of Rochester
Department of Dance

Jin-Wen Yu, Professor
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Department of Dance

Lih-Hwa Yu, Lecturers
University of New Hampshire
Department of Theatre and Dance

ROYCE ZACKERY, Assistant Professor
Howard University
Department of Theatre

Holly Zagaria, Visiting Lecturer
Salem State University
Department of Music and Dance

Jesse Zaritt, Assistant Professor
University of the Arts
Department of Dance

Domenico Zarro, Professor
New Jersey City University
Department of Music, Dance and Theatre

Abby Zbikowski, Assistant Professor
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Department of Dance


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