Who's Who in
Fine Arts Academia

2304 members found

Lajos Zeke, Adjunct Professor
New World School of the Arts
Department of Dance

Jessica Zeller, Assistant Professor Of Dance
Texas Christian University
Department of Ballet and Modern Dance

Dominique Zeltzman, Adjunct Instructor
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Department of Dance

Natalie Zervou, Lecturer
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Department of Dance

Yuanting Zhao, Professor
Nazareth College
Department of Dance Studies

Carissa Zieske, Adjunct Instructor
Winona State University
Department of Theatre and Dance

Laura Zimmerman, Lecturers
Eastern Michigan University
School of Music & Dance

Shannon Zura, Associate Professor
Ursinus College
Department of Theater and Dance

Thomas Zwergel, Lecturer
Columbia College
Department of Dance


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