Who's Who in
Fine Arts Academia

7972 members found

Arthur Feinsod, Professor
Indiana State University
Department of Theater

Gayle Fekete, Professor
The New School
School of Drama

Leslie Felbain, Assistant Professor
University of Maryland, College Park
Department of Theatre

Leslie Felbain, Associate Professor
University of Maryland, College Park
Department of Dance

Niiamar Felder, Professor
City University of New York--Queens College
Department Of Drama, Theatre, and Dance

Susan M Felder, Assistant Professor
University of Cincinnati
Department of Drama

Anita Feldman, Assistant Professor
Hofstra University
Department of Drama and Dance

David Feldshuh, Professor
Cornell University
Department of Theatre, Film, and Dance

Claudia Feldstein, Professor
City University of New York--Queens College
Department Of Drama, Theatre, and Dance

Ray Fellman, Associate Professor
Indiana University
Department of Theatre, Drama, and Contemporary Dance

Sarita Fellows, Assistant Professor
University of Connecticut
Department of Dramatic Arts

MIRA FELNER, Professor
City University of New York--Hunter College
Department of Theatre

University of Hartford
Department of Theatre

Michelle Felten, Associate Professor
California State University, Sacramento
Department of Theatre and Dance

Tyler Felton, Professor
Lehigh University
Department of Theatre


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