Who's Who in
Fine Arts Academia

7972 members found

David C. Granath, Professor
Francis Marion University
Department of Theatre Arts

William Grange, Professor
University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Department of Theatre Arts

William Grange, Professor
University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Department of Theatre Arts

David Granger, Lecturer
University of Saskatchewan
Department of Drama

D Granke, Assistant Professor
University of Maine
Department of Theatre / Dance

Daniel Granke, Instructor
University of South Florida, Tampa
School of Theatre and Dance

Michelle Granshaw, Assistant Professor
University of Pittsburgh
Department of Theatre Arts

Clare Janette Grant, Honorary Lecturer
University of New South Wales
School of Media, Film and Theatre

Derick K. Grant, Assistant Professor
Berklee College of Music
Department of Theater

Gary Grant, Associate Professor
Bucknell University
Department of Theatre and Dance

Robert David Grant, Lecturer
Dartmouth College
Department of Theater

Stuart Grant, Professor
University of Sydney
Department of Performance Studies

David Grapes II, Professor
University of Northern Colorado
School of Theatre Arts and Dance

Susan Gratch, Professor
Occidental College
Department of Theater

Chontelle Gray, Instructor
Casper College
Department of Theatre and Dance


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