Who's Who in
Fine Arts Academia

7972 members found

Jennifer Harvey, Lecturer
Chapman University
Department of Theatre

Josh Harvey, Instructor
Southeast Missouri State University
The Conservatory of Theatre and Dance

Lori Kay Harvey, Instructor
Otterbein College
Department of Theatre and Dance

Marcus Harvey, Adjunct Professor
Montclair State University
Department of Theatre and Dance

Mark Harvey, Professor
University of Minnesota, Duluth
Department of Theatre

Robert Bernard Hass, Assistant Professor
Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
Department of English & Theatre Arts

Dennis Hassan, Associate Professor
Utah State University
Department of Theatre

Amanda Hatch, Professor
Temple University
School of Theatre, Film and Media Arts

CHRISTOPHER HATCH, Associate Professor
Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Department of Theatre

James Hatfield, Professor
California State University, Los Angeles
Department of Theatre Arts and Dance

Michelle Hathaway, Professor
Tulane University
Department of Theater & Dance

Chris Haug, Professor
Southeast Missouri State University
The Conservatory of Theatre and Dance

Angie Haugejorden, Instructor
Western Kentucky University
Department of Theatre and Dance

David Haugen, Assistant Professor
Ohio University
School of Theater

THOMAS P. HAUGHEY, Associate Professor
West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Department of Theatre and Dance


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