Who's Who in
Fine Arts Academia

7972 members found

Lisa Hodge Kander, Instructor
Wayne State University
Department of Theatre

Yasmine Kandil, Assistant Professor
University of Victoria
Department of Theatre

Lila Kane, Adjunct Professor
Rhode Island College
Department of Music, Theatre and Dance

Shannah Kane, Professor
SUNY College at Oneonta
Department of Theatre

Stella H. Kane, Senior Instructor
Otterbein College
Department of Theatre and Dance

Tanya Kane-parry, Professor
California State University, Los Angeles
Department of Theatre Arts and Dance

Peter Kanelos, Assistant Professor
Loyola University, Chicago
Department of Theatre

Ruth Kanner, Professor
Tel Aviv University
Department of Theatre Arts

Scott Kanoff, Associate Professor In Residence
Bradley University
Department of Theatre Arts

Jodi Kanter, Associate Professor
George Washington University
Department of Theatre & Dance

Nancy Kantra, Associate Professor
University of the Arts
Department of Theater Arts

Rutgers University at Camden
School of Fine Arts

Ellen Kaplan, Associate Professor
Smith College
Department of Theatre

Michael Samuel Kaplan, Assistant Professor
University of Connecticut
Department of Dramatic Arts

Michael Samuel Kaplan, Visiting Assistant Professor
Trinity College, Hartford Connecticut
Department of Theatre and Dance


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