Who's Who in
Fine Arts Academia

7972 members found

Jeremy Kisling, Instructor
University of Kentucky
Department of Theatre

Gabriella Kiss, Associate Professor
Károli Gáspár University
Department of Theatre

Michiko Kitayama, Professor
University of Miami
Department of Thatre Arts

Mackenzie Kitch, Adjunct Professor
Thiel College
Department of Music and Theatre

Brian Kite, Professor
University of California, Los Angeles
Department of Theatre

Kevin Kittle, Professor
Rutgers University
Department of Theatre Arts

David Ashton Kjar, Lecturer
Marywood University
Department of Music, Theatre, and Dance

Lewis Klahr, Professor
California Institute of the Arts
School of Theater

Boise State University
Department of Theatre Arts

Dan Klein, Lecturer
Stanford University
Department of Drama

Jessica Klein
University of Saskatchewan
Department of Drama

Rochelle Z. Klein, Emeritus Professor
Point Park University
Department of Dance

Katie Klemme, Instructor
Loyola University, Chicago
Department of Theatre

Anya Klepikov, Assistant Professor
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Department of Theatre

Michael Klima, Professor
Towson University
Department of Theatre Arts


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