Who's Who in
Fine Arts Academia

7972 members found

JOYCE LINDORFF, Associate Professor
Temple University
College of Music and Department of Dance

Craig Lindsay
Keene State College
Department of Theatre and Dance

LeVonne Lindsay, Senior Lecturer
University of the Arts
Department of Theater Arts

David Ling, Emeritus Professor
Central Michigan University
Department of Speech Communication and Dramatic Arts

Edmund Lingan, Assistant Professor
University of Toledo
Department of Theatre & Film

Sherry Linnell, Professor
Claremont McKenna College
Department of Theatre and Dance

Sherry Linnell, Professor
Pomona College
Department of Theatre and Dance

Marcy Linton, Assistant Professor
University of Virginia
Department of Drama

William Liotta, Assistant Professor
University of New Mexico
Department of Theatre & Dance

Thomas Lipinski, Instructor
Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
Department of English & Theatre Arts

Nancy Lipschultz, Associate Professor
Indiana University
Department of Theatre, Drama, and Contemporary Dance

Julie Lisnet, Instructor
University of Maine
Department of Theatre / Dance

Daniel Lisowski, Assistant Professor
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Department of Theatre & Drama

Julia Listengarten, Research Assistant Professor
University of Central Florida
Department of Theatre

Michael Lister, Lecturer
University at Albany - SUNY
Department of Music & Theatre


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