Who's Who in
Fine Arts Academia

7972 members found

David Maslow, Adjunct Professor
Lafayette College
Department of Theater

Gesel Mason, Assistant Professor
University of Colorado at Boulder
Department of Theatre & Dance

Jan Mason, Instructor
University of Hartford
Department of Theatre

Joe Mason, Assistant Professor
Valdosta State University
Department of Theatre

Katie-Ann Mason, Adjunct Professor
Bridgewater State University
Department of Theatre and Dance

Rachael Mason, Professor
Columbia College
Department of Theatre

Kelly Jo Massicotte
University of Hartford
Department of Theatre

Paul Masters, Assistant Professor
Berklee College of Music
Department of Theater

Theresa A Mastrobuono, Adjunct Professor
Elizabethtown College
Department of Theatre and Dance

Kim Brooks Mata, Professor
University of Virginia
Department of Drama

Mike J Matarrese, Adjunct Professor
University of Delaware

Joan Larkins Mather, Senior Lecturer
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Department of Theatre

Sandra Mathern-Smith, Associate Professor
Denison University
Department of Dance

Fred Mathews, Professor
San Jose State University
School of Music and Dance

Beverly Mathis-Swanson, Lecturer
San Jose State University
Department of Television, Radio, Film & Theatre


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