Who's Who in
Fine Arts Academia

7972 members found

Michael L. Mauldin, Associate Professor
Cleveland State University
Department of Dramatic Arts

Kelly Maurer, Adjunct Associate Professor
Columbia University
Department of Theatre

Conrad Maust
Frostburg State University
Department of Theatre and Dance

Cynthia Maxey, Professor
Columbia College
Department of Theatre

Adam Maxfield, Professor
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Department of Dramatic Art

R. Christopher Maxwell, Lecturer
University at Albany - SUNY
Department of Music & Theatre

Bob May, Lecturer
University of Central Arkansas
Department of Theatre

H MAY, Professor
Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Department of Theatre

Theresa J. May, Assistant Professor
University of Oregon
Department of Theatre Arts

John Mayberry, Associate Professor
York University
Department of Theatre

Gavin Mayer, Instructor
University of Northern Colorado
School of Theatre Arts and Dance

Gavin Mayer, Assistant Professor
Ithaca College
Department of Theatre Arts

John Mayer, Professor
California State University, Stanislaus
Department of Theatre

Stephanie Mayer-Staley, Professor
Point Park University
Department of Dance

Alvin Mayes, Instructor
University of Maryland, College Park
Department of Dance


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