Who's Who in
Fine Arts Academia

7972 members found

Clara McBride, Professor
Ryerson University
School of Theatre

Dyan McBride, Lecturer
San Jose State University
Department of Television, Radio, Film & Theatre

Janine McCabe, Associate Professor
College of Charleston
Department of Theatre

Terry McCabe, Professor
Columbia College
Department of Theatre

Maha McCain, Professor
University of Miami
Department of Thatre Arts

Timothy McCain, Professor
Columbia College
Department of Theatre

Alesyn McCall, Professor
Wayne State University
Department of Theatre

KARYN MCCALLUM, Assistant Professor
Dalhousie University
Department of Theatre

Christopher McCarroll, Lecturer
Rutgers University
Department of Theatre Arts

Sarah McCarroll, Assistant Professor
Georgia Southern University
Department of Communication Arts

Molly McCarter, Assistant Professor
Carnegie Mellon University
School of Drama

Cathleen McCarthy, Lecturer
San Francisco State University
School of Theatre and Dance

Cathleen McCarthy, Lecturer
North Carolina State University
School of Music and Dance

Christina McCarthy, Professor
University of California, Santa Barbara
Department of Dramatic Art

Jennifer McCarthy, Instructor
University of West Georgia
Department of Theatre


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