Who's Who in
Fine Arts Academia

7972 members found

Scott McKim, Professor
California State University, Northridge
Department of Theater

Kathleen McKinley, Professor
California State University, Fresno
Department of Theatre Arts

Meghen McKinley, Assistant Professor
Western Kentucky University
Department of Theatre and Dance

Cameron McKinney, Adjunct Professor
Montclair State University
Department of Theatre and Dance

Catherine McKinnon, Lecturer
University of Wollongong
School of Music and Drama

James McKinnon, Lecturer
Victoria University of Wellington
Department of Theatre

Jamie McKittrick, Assistant Professor
Salisbury University
Department of Music

Jenny McKnight, Visiting Assistant Professor
Indiana University
Department of Theatre, Drama, and Contemporary Dance

Ted McKosky, Adjunct Professor
Radford University
Department of Theatre and Cinema

Gretchen McLaine, Associate Professor
College of Charleston
Department of Theatre

Becca McLarty, Adjunct Professor
Montclair State University
Department of Theatre and Dance

Cynthia McLaughlin, Associate Professor
Keene State College
Department of Theatre and Dance

JEFF MCLAUGHLIN, Assistant Professor
Arkansas State University
Department of Theatre

Grace McLean, Professor
The New School
School of Drama

Tara Kate Alice McLennan, Lecturer
University of New South Wales
School of Media, Film and Theatre


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