Who's Who in
Fine Arts Academia

7972 members found

Steven Neuenschwander, Associate Professor
West Virginia University
Department of Theatre and Dance

Ursula Neuerburg-Denzer, Assistant Professor
Concordia University
Department of Theatre

Gina Neuerer, Professor
Sinclair Community College
Department of Music, Theatre and Dance

Benton Neufeld
University of Lethbridge
Department of Theatre and Dramatic Arts

David Neumann
Sarah Lawrence College
Department of Theatre

Richard Neupert, Professor
University of Georgia
Department of Drama & Theatre

Victoria Neve, Professor
North Carolina State University
School of Music and Dance

California State University, Fullerton
Department of Theatre and Dance

David Neville, Assistant Professor
Wichita State University
School of Performing Arts

Lynne Nevin, Lecturer
University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Department of Dance

Brian Newberg, Assistant Professor
Kent State University
School of Theatre and Dance

Frederick Newberry, Professor
Duquesne University
Department Of Theater Arts

Nicholas Newell, Assistant Professor
Georgia Southern University
Department of Communication Arts

Mary Anne Newhall, Part-Time Professor
University of New Mexico
Department of Theatre & Dance

JOHN NEWTON, Professor Emeritus
University of British Columbia
Department of Theatre, Film and Creative Writing


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