Who's Who in
Fine Arts Academia

10814 members found

Douglas Clark, Assistant Professor
The University of Texas-Pan American
School of Art

Jamie Clark, Instructor
University of Southern Queensland
Department of Visual Arts

Janet Clark, Lecturer
Lakehead University
Department of of Visual Arts

Kelsey Clark, Instructor
University of Southern Queensland
Department of Visual Arts

Tricia Clark-Fookes, Lecturer
Queensland University of Technology
Department of Creative Writing & Cultural Studies

Allana Clarke, Assistant Professor
Wayne State University
Department of Art and Art History

Geoffrey Clarke, Professor
Waikato Institute of Technology
School of Media Arts

Karina Clarke, Lecturer
University of New South Wales
School of Design Studies

Katharine Clarke
Endicott College
School of Visual and Performing Arts

Philip Clarke, Lecturer
Holy Family University
School of Arts & Sciences

Everett Clarkson, Adjunct Instructor
Old Dominion University
Department Of Communication & Theatre Arts

Lisa Clarkson, Adjunct Lecturer
American University
Department of Performing Arts

Meredith Clausen, Professor
University of Washington
School of Art

Christine Clay, Adjunct Professor
Rosemont College
Department of Studio Art

York College Pennsylvania
School of the Arts, Communication and Global Studies


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