Who's Who in
Fine Arts Academia

10814 members found

Caleb Cole, Professor
Clark University
Department of Visual and Performing Arts

Catherine Cole, Professor
George Mason University
Department of Art and Visual Technology

Deborah Cole, Professor
Clark University
Department of Visual and Performing Arts

Jasmine Cole, Professor
Mississippi College
Department of Art

Jeanette Cole, Professor
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Department of Art

Julia Cole, Assistant Professor
Kansas City Art Institute
Department of Interdisciplinary Arts

Justin Cole, Lecturer
Otis College of Art and Design (CA)
Department of Fine Arts

Laura Cole, Assistant Professor
Colorado State University
Department of Design & Merchandising

Robert Cole, Professor
Roger Williams University
Department of Media + Design + Communication

Tauna Cole, Instructor
New Mexico State University
Department of Art

Christopher Coleman, Professor
University of Denver
Department of Electronic Media Arts Design

Denis Coleman, Associate Professor
Victoria University
School of Human Movement Recreation and Performance

Johnny Coleman, Associate Professor
Oberlin College
Department of Art

Linda Coleman, Adjunct Lecturer
Carlow University
Department of Art, Communication & English

Fabio Colivicchi, Assistant Professor
Queen's University
Department of Classics


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