Who's Who in
Fine Arts Academia

10814 members found

Antonio Cuyler, Assistant Professor
Florida State University
Department of Art Education

Mark Cypher, Lecturer
Murdoch University
School of Media Communication & Culture

Peggy Cyphers, Adjunct Associate Professor
Pratt Institute-Main
Department of Fine Arts

Christopher Cyr, Adjunct Professor
Endicott College
School of Visual and Performing Arts

Elizabeth A. Cyron, Instructor
Kutztown University of Pennsylvania
Department of Art

Duane Cyrus, Associate Professor
University of North Carolina--Greensboro
Department of Dance

Gerald Cyrus, Assistant Professor
Haverford College
Department of Fine Arts

Gerald Cyrus, Visiting Assistant Professor
Bryn Mawr College
Department of Fine Arts

Sonja Czekalski, Adjunct Professor
Roger Williams University
Department of Visual Arts

Grant Czuj, Adjunct Professor
University of New Haven
Department of Art and Design

Paul D'Agostino, Professor
Emerson College
Department of Performing Arts

Louis D'Alotto, Adjunct Lecturer
York College
Department of Performing and Fine Arts

Eve D'Ambra, Associate Professor
Vassar College
Department of Art

Daniel D'Amore, Professor
Emerson College
Department of Visual & Media Arts

Joseph D'Angelo, Professor
Clark University
Department of Visual and Performing Arts


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