Who's Who in
Fine Arts Academia

10814 members found

Amartya De, Adjunct Professor
University of New Haven
Department of Art and Design

Belinha De Abreu, Adjunct Instructor
Sacred Heart University
Department of Art & Design

Dirk De Bruyn, Lecturer
Deakin University
School of Communication and Creative Arts

Hugh De Ferranti, Associate Professor
University of New England, Australia
School of Arts

Brian De Garis, Emeritus Professor
Murdoch University
School of Media Communication & Culture

Anna De Jager, Lecturer
University of Canterbury
School of Fine Arts

Alison De Kruiff, Lecturer
Swinburne University of Technology
Faculty of Design

Ruben De la Nuez, Lecturer
Nanyang Technological University
School of Art, Design and Media

Donna De la Perrière, Professor
California College of the Arts
Department of Writing & Literature

Victor De La Rosa, Assistant Professor
North Carolina State University
Art Department

Manuel De Landa, Lecturer
University of Pennsylvania
Department of Architecture

Armand De Laureal
University of Louisiana, Lafayette
School of Architecture and Design

Noele De Leon, Adjunct Lecturer
The New School
Department of Lighting Design

David G. De Long, Professor
University of Pennsylvania
Department of Historic Preservation

Darryl M. De Marzio, Adjunct Professor
Teachers College at Columbia University
Department of Arts & Humanities


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