Who's Who in
Fine Arts Academia

10814 members found

Brent Everett Dickinson, Assistant Professor
Azusa Pacific University

Andrew Dickson, Assistant Professor
California State University, Fullerton
Department of Art

Jane Dickson, Professor
Pace University
Departments of Fine Arts

Sonali Diddi, Associate Professor
Colorado State University
Department of Design & Merchandising

Molly Dierks, Assistant Professor
Tarleton State University
Department of Fine Arts

Charles Dietrich, Professor
CUNY Bernard M. Baruch College
Department of Fine And Performing Arts

Jon Dietrick, Associate Professor
Babson College
Department of Arts & Humanities

Kathryn Dietz, Professor
Emerson College
Department of Visual & Media Arts

Lou DiGena, Associate Professor
St. John's University
Department of Fine Arts

Justin Diggle, Assistant Professor
University of Utah
Department of Art and Art History

Stephen DiGregorio, Instructor
Clark University
Becker School of Design & Technology

Margaret Dikovitskaya, Adjunct Instructor
State University of New York College at Oneonta
Department of Art

Aimee L Dilger, Lecturer
Marywood University
Department of Art

Terry Lee Dill, Associate Professor
College for Creative Studies
Department of Fine Arts

Sean Dillon, Assistant Professor
University of La Verne
Department of Theatre Arts


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