Who's Who in
Fine Arts Academia

10814 members found

David Donar, Associate Professor
Clemson University
Department of Art

Jason Donati, Lecturer
Northeastern University
Art and Design

William Doncaster
University of Massachusetts at Boston
Department of Performing Arts

Xue Dong, Assistant Professor
East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania
Department of Art + Media + Design

GUAN DONGHAI, Associate Professor
Tsinghua University
Department of Art and Crafts

YANG DONGJIANG, Associate Professor
Tsinghua University
Department of Environmental Art Design

Catherine F. Donnelly, Instructor
East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania
Department of Art + Media + Design

Christopher Donnelly, Professor
Rochester Institute of Technology
School of Print Media

Joseph Donnelly, Adjunct Professor
Wagner College
Department of Performing Arts

Kristy Kuhn Donnelly, Instructor
Stonehill College
Department of Visual & Performing Arts

Madison Donnelly, Adjunct Professor
University of New Haven
Department of Art and Design

Rutgers University at Camden
School of Fine Arts

Timothy Donnelly, Associate Professor
Columbia University
Department of Writing

Kathleen Donohue, Emeritus Professor
Emerson College
Department of Performing Arts

Abby Donovan, Professor
University of Delaware
Department of Fine Arts


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