Who's Who in
Fine Arts Academia

10814 members found

University of Arkansas - Fayetteville
Department Of Art

Wendy Edwards, Professor
Brown University
Department of Visual Art

Samantha Edwards-Vandenhoek, Senior Lecturer
Swinburne University of Technology
Faculty of Design

Soon Ee Ngoh, Associate Professor
Mississippi State University
Department of Art

Theodore Efremoff, Associate Professor
Central Connecticut State University
Department of Art & Design

Matthew J. Egan, Associate Professor
University Of Sharjah
College of Fine Arts and Design

Peter Egan, Adjunct Professor
Drexel University
Department Of Screenwriting & Playwriting

Owen Egerton, Assistant Professor
Emerson College
Department of Visual & Media Arts

Manuela Egidy, Lecturer
University of Melbourne
Faculty of Arts

Megan Ehrhart, Associate Professor
Tarleton State University
Department of Fine Arts

Ken Ehrlich, Adjunct Professor
University of California, Riverside
Department of Art

David Eichelberger, Adjunct Instructor
Landmark College
Department of Fine & Performing Arts

Matthew Eickhoff, Instructor
Indiana University - Purdue University, Indianapolis
Herron School of Art and Design

Valerie Eickmeier, Professor
Indiana University
School of Art

Janice Eidus, Adjunct Lecturer
Carlow University
Department of Art, Communication & English


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