Who's Who in
Fine Arts Academia

10814 members found

Kathryn Evans, Lecturer
University of Texas, Dallas
Department of Art

Spencer Evans, Assistant Professor
Rhode Island School of Design
Department of Experimental and Foundation Studies

Julianne Eveleigh, Lecturer
Federation University
Department of Arts Academy

Udi Even, Professor
University of Haifa
Department of Fine Arts

Yael Even, Professor
University of Missouri - St. Louis
Department of Art and Art History

Philip Everall, Lecturer
Edith Cowan University
Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA)

Daniel Everett, Assitant Professor
Brigham Young University
Department of Visual Arts

Peter Everett, Professor
Brigham Young University
Department of Visual Arts

Debra Everett-Lane, Adjunct Lecturer
The New School
Parsons School of Design

Lauren Evers, Lecturer
Northeastern University
Art and Design

Gabriele Evertz, Associate Professor
City University of New York--Hunter College
Department of Art

Assaf Evron, Lecturer
School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Department of Contemporary Practices

Chris Ewart, Lecturer
Emily Carr University of Art + Design
Faculty of Culture + Community

Jacqui Ewart, Lecturer
Griffith University
School of Arts, Media and Culture

Ann Ewaskio, Adjunct Professor
Landmark College
Department of Fine & Performing Arts


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