Who's Who in
Fine Arts Academia

10814 members found

Alicia Faxon, Emeritus Professor
Simmons University
Department of Art and Music

Evan Fay, Assistant Professor
Cranbrook Academy of Art (MI)
Academy of Art

Andrew Fearon, Lecturer
University of Pennsylvania
Department of Historic Preservation

Emma Febvre-Richards , Lecturer
Massey University
School of Fine Arts

Anna Feder
Emerson College
Department of Visual & Media Arts

Leslie Fedorchuk, Professor
Milwaukee Inst. of Art and Design
Department of Fine Arts

Leslie Fedorchuk, Professor
Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design
Department of Fine Arts

Roger Feeley, Assistant Professor
Maine Maritime Academy
Department of Arts & Sciences

Warren Feeney, Adjunct Professor
University of Canterbury
School of Fine Arts

Ryan Feerer, Professor
Abilene Christian University
Department of Art and Design

Michelle Fehler, Lecturer
Arkansas State University, Beebe

Ken Feil, Associate Professor
Emerson College
Department of Comedic Arts

Magnus Feil, Assistant Professor
University of Washington
School of Art

Robert A. Feintuch, Lecturer
Bates College
Department of Art

E.C. Feiss, Assistant Professor
Providence College
Department of Art/Art History


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