Who's Who in
Fine Arts Academia

10814 members found

Joshua Fishburn, Associate Professor
College of New Jersey
School of Art, Music and Media

Stuart Fishelson, Professor
Long Island University
Department of Media Arts

Deborah Fisher, Lecturer
University of the Sunshine Coast
Department of Fine Arts

Martin Fisher, Instructor
Drexel University
Department Of Screenwriting & Playwriting

Christopher Fisher-Lochhead, Lecturer
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Department of the Arts

Judy Fiskin, Professor
California Institute of the Arts
School of Art

Karen Fiss, Associate Professor
California College of Arts and Crafts
Department of Design

James Fitts, Lecturer
Curry College
Department of Visual and Performing Arts

Barnaby Fitzgerald, Professor
Southern Methodist University
Division of Art

Colleen Fitzgerald, Visiting Assistant Professor
College of the Holy Cross
Department of Visual Arts

Emily Fitzgerald, Adjunct Lecturer
Carlow University
Department of Art, Communication & English

Heather Fitzgerald
Emily Carr University of Art + Design
Faculty of Culture + Community

Kenneth FitzGerald, Associate Professor
Old Dominion University
Department Of Art

Mary Fitzgerald, Professor
Emerson College
Department of Visual & Media Arts

Patrick FitzGerald, Associate Professor
North Carolina State University
Department of Art + Design


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