Who's Who in
Fine Arts Academia

10814 members found

Jane Fitzgibbon, Lecturer
Wayne State University
Department of Communication

Blake FITZPATRICK, Professor
Ryerson University
School of Image Arts

Brian Fitzpatrick, Professor
Endicott College
School of Visual and Performing Arts

Lisa Fitzpatrick, Lecturer
University of Ulster
School of Creative Arts

Tim Fitzpatrick, Associate Professor
University of Sydney
Department of Performance Studies

Julie Fitzsimmons, Assistant Professor
New Mexico State University
Department of Art

Susan Fitzsimmons, Professor
The University of Texas-Pan American
School of Art

David Fitzsimons, Senior Lecturer
Rhode Island School of Design
Department of History, Philosophy + the Social Sciences

Ben Fjare, Adjunct Professor
Montana State University
Department of Art

Barbara Flaherty, Professor
University of the Pacific
Department of Art & Art History

Meghan Flaherty, Professor
New Jersey City University
Department of Art

Nevin Flanagan, Assistant Professor
Clark University
Becker School of Design & Technology

David Flaten, Professor
University of La Verne
Department of Theatre Arts

Ellen Flatters, Lecturer
West Australian Academy of the Performing Arts
Department of Production and Design

Keith Fledderman, Lecturer
University of Pennsylvania
Despartment of Fine Arts


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