Who's Who in
Fine Arts Academia

21240 members found

Robert Black, Professor
Manhattan School of Music (NY)
Department of Contemporary Performance

Tamara Black, Instructor
Albright College
Department of Music

Bradford Blackburn, Associate Professor
University of Tampa
Department of Music

Helen Blackburn, Professor
West Texas A&M University

Royce Blackburn, Assistant Professor
University of North Dakota
Department of Music

Beth Blackerby, Adjunct Instructor
Southwestern University
Department of Music

Mary Dave Blackman, Associate Professor
East Tennessee State University
Department of Music

Odie Blackmon, Lecturer
Vanderbilt University
Blair School of Music

Lisa Blackmore, Lecturer
University of Missouri - St. Louis
Department of Music

Marco Blackmore, Instructor
Utah Valley University
Department of Music

T. Adam Blackstock, Associate Professor
Troy University
School of Music

Kaisha Blackstone, Assistant Professor
Drexel University
Department of Music

Harolyn Blackwell, Instructor
Barnard College
Department of Music

Jennifer Blackwell, Assistant Professor
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Department of Music

Jessica Blackwell, Adjunct Instructor
Vanderbilt University
Blair School of Music


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