Who's Who in
Fine Arts Academia

21240 members found

Daniel Blake, Adjunct Assistant Professor
The New School
Department of Contemporary Music

Joey Blake, Associate Professor
Berklee College of Music
Department of Voice

Paul Blake, Professor
Colgate University
Department of Music

Shayla Blake, Instructor
Louisiana Tech University
Department Of Music

Myles Blakemore, Adjunct Lecturer
Howard University
Department of Music

Lynn Blakeslee, Professor
University of Rochester
Department of Strings, Harp, & Guitar

Michael Blancaflor, Adjunct Professor
University of New Haven
Department of Music

Scott Blanchard, Adjunct Professor
Westfield State University
Department of Music

Martin Blanchett, Professor
Lakehead University
Department of Music

Andrew Blanco, Professor
City University of New York--Queens College
Aaron Copland School of Music

Leo Blanco, Professor
Berklee College of Music
Department of Contemporary Writing and Production

Barbara Bland, Instructor
Oakland University
Department of Music, Theatre and Dance

Leland Bland, Emeritus Professor
Wright State University
Department of Music

Sarah Bland, Instructor
College of William and Mary
Department of Music

Vurl Bland, Adjunct Professor
Southwestern Oklahoma State University
Department of Music


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