Who's Who in
Fine Arts Academia

146 members found

Joshua Coy
Ohio University
School of Film

Randolph Damico, Visiting Assistant Professor
Ohio University
School of Art

Shelley Delaney, Assistant Professor
Ohio University
School of Theater

Daniel N. Denhart, Associate Professor
Ohio University
School of Theater

Daniel Dennis, Lecturer Of Voice And Movement
Ohio University
School of Theater

Brian Dieterle, Instructor
Ohio University
School of Art

Samuel Dodd, Visiting Assistant Professor
Ohio University
School of Art

Julie Dummermuth, Assistant Professor
Ohio University
School of Art

Ofer Eliaz, Assistant Professor
Ohio University
School of Film

Lori Esposito, Lecturer
Ohio University
School of Art

Brian Evans, Assistant Professor
Ohio University
School of Theater

Garrett Field, Assistant Professor
Ohio University
School of Interdisciplinary Arts

Christopher Fisher, Assistant Professor
Ohio University
School of Music

Katherine Fisher, Adjunct Professor
Ohio University
School of Music

Jessica Fletcher, Adjunct Professor
Ohio University
School of Music


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